
Thursday, September 3, 2009

FAQ - OWSM 11g: What is local optimization and impact of it on OWSM policies?

Oracle SOA Suite has a feature called local optimization. When it is ON (by default it's ON), a SOA composite invokes another SOA composite within the same Weblogic (WLS) server or cluster of WLS servers bypasses the whole SOAP stack, and makes a direct java call to optimize the invocation.

What is the impact of local optimization on OWSM policy execution?
When local optimization is ON, OWSM policies are bypassed and hence aren't executed.

How do I turn off local optimization?
In the SOA composite (composite.xml) which invokes another SOA composite, add the following property to the reference calling the service.

    <property name="oracle.webservices.local.optimization">false</property>