
Wednesday, December 19, 2007

How To - 10.1.3 OWSM: Install a standalone Gateway

You may want to install OWSM Gateway on a different machine (such as one in DMZ) than rest of the OWSM components (such as policymanager, monitor, console). But, OWSM or SOA suite installer doesn't have an option to install only the gateway. You can follow the following procedure to perform such a Gateway only installation.

Step 1: Install standalone OWSM (using Advanced option)

During install, you will be required to enter database details. You can either

  • provide existing database details where ORAWSM schema exists. The installer won't modify existing tables, but as a best practice take the database backup before performing this operation. (or)
  • create a dummy database just for this installation, and run irca script on it before performing install.

You will need to follow this sequence to get to the current patch level.

  1. Install OC4J
  2. Install OWSM
  3. Apply patchset. Note: The above sequence is required, as you cannot install OWSM on top of OC4J.

Step 2: Undeploy policymanager, coreman, and ccore applications from the new installation

Step 3: Reconfigure the gateway to communicate with existing policy manager and monitor

  1. Login to OWSM console, and add the gateway component.
  2. Once the gateway component is added, click the Edit icon and modify cfluent.monitor.rmi.host to point to the existing monitor application running elsewhere.
  3. Open OC4J_HOME/owsm/config/gateway/gateway-config-installer.properties, and modify gateway.policymanagerURL in addition to other properties required for configuring the gateway
  4. Re deploy the gateway using wsmadmin tool (wsmadmin deploy gateway)

Step 4: Verify database details for SOAP message logging

SOAP messages are logged to OWSM database by default when "Log" policy step is added to the request/respsone policy pipeline. If you don't plan to use SOAP message logging, then disable this functionality.

  1. Login to OWSM console, and click the Edit icon for the gateway component.
  2. To disable message logging, change cfluent.messagelog.enabled property to false.
  3. To reconfigure the database used for message logging, modify the properties clfuent.messagelog.db.*

Thursday, December 13, 2007

OWSM Critical Patch Update - Dec 2007

A critical patch for OWSM has been released that may be required if you have applied the Patch Set on the product install. Get full details about the one-off patch here.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

How To - 10.1.3 OWSM: Setup agent on OC4J communicating with remote policy manager and monitor

If you have a web service or client running on OC4J, and you want to protect it using OWSM agent communicating with remote policy manager and monitor, then follow the following steps.

  1. Install OC4J
  2. Install OWSM
  3. Apply patchset. Note: The above sequence is required, as you cannot install OWSM on top of OC4J.
  4. Uninstall policymanager, coreman, and ccore applications from OC4J
  5. Login to OWSM console, and add the agent component.
  6. Once agent component is added, click the Edit icon and modify cfluent.monitor.rmi.host to point to the existing monitor application running elsewhere.
  7. Open OC4J_HOME/owsm/bin/agent.properties, and modify agent.policymanagerURL in addition to other properties required for configuring agent
  8. Deploy the agent using wsmadmin tool

Agent will be ready to get policies from the right policy manager, and send metrics to the right monitor.